Battery Charger Circuits

by Jeff W.
(Cleveland, OH)

Lee Hart's Bonn Charger Schematic

Lee Hart's Bonn Charger Schematic

Where can I find drawings of battery charger circuits? I'm hoping to build my own charger, if it's not too complicated.

Hi, Jeff -
You're looking for a bad boy, are you?

I've written an article on bad boy charger schematics, an interview with the king of the bad boys - Lee Hart, an electrical engineer who's passionate about electric cars. You should be able to find everything you need there to build a civilized, well-mannered GENTLEMAN bad boy that won't cost you an arm and a leg, won't burn your batteries, and best of won't have to babysit.


P.S. Lee also wrote my favorite song - the EV Monster Mash; )

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DC/AC adapter charger
by: Sello

I've bought an mp3 player with an AC/DC adapter charger, but the charger doesn't want to charge.

Hi, Sello -
Where did you buy it? They're responsible. Make them live up to their potential; )


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