Old Champion Juicer Motor for an Electric Vehicle

by Nathan
(Kailua, HI)

I have a 110v motor @ 6.7 amps, 1725 rpms. I don't have any idea what that means, but I am still excited! I really want an electric bike, or something! Would it be possible to just use 10 12v batteries to get this thing going? Or could I used maybe 3 batteries and invest in some kind of power booster? Its okay if not, but I like the idea of using existing motors rather than buying new ones, it seems to be more green.

Hi, Nathan!

I'm a big fan of the Champion juicer motor. It's very strong. I think if you fed 2x4's into that juicer, you could make pine juice.

Having said that, though...

Let's talk about "application" for a minute, meaning "what work you're going to expect a motor to do". An EV motor needs to be light, mobile (doesn't mind being vibrated or knocked around), and intermittent. Meaning: accelerate, brake, go uphill, that sort of thing. A juicer needs to plow through a bunch of carrots and apples while sitting on your counter, so its motor has a pretty different application than an electric car motor's would. When you salvage an EV motor out of something else, you want to choose a "something else" that is just like an EV in many respects.

For example? A lot of people use the motors out of old electric forklifts to power their electric cars. Great! The electric forklift has motor(s) which make it move, and also motors that make the forks go up and down. The "moving" motors are better for an EV than the "lifting the forks" motors.

Personally, I think that green is good, recycling is great, but having the right motor for the application (your electric bike, for example) is the key to building an EV that you'll actually drive, rather than just being a good idea that sits in the garage.

So. Um. Are you really going to put 120 volts to your motor, did I read that right? If so, that's a little over the top. 3 batteries, not boosted, ought to do it. 36 volts is fine. You'll need a controller, as you probably already know.

Best of luck with your project, and let us all know how it goes!


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by: Venkatesh

Hello sir,

I would like to know about electric vehicles specially car . in electric car which type of motor is most suitable for high speed and high load purpose

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