ABS Brakes for Electric Car Conversion?

by David

Is it a wise thing to buy a donor vehicle with ABS brakes or not, and what does one have to do to register and insure a converted electric vehicle?

Hi, David -

First, on the ABS, you can use the cars computer to activate the ABS brake system depending on the car. Best to avoid that and use normal brakes.

Then on the registration and insurance, to register your car you would set up an inspection with your states local state patrol, and then check with local insurance companies.

Check with the state government to see how you can get tax credit back on your EV conversion, typically determined by how much money you spent converting your vehicle.

- Allen Antonucci at Duke's Garage, an electric car conversion shop in Westminster, CO.

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by: Patrick

I just attended a talk by EVDrive.com owner Bob S. and he recommended leaving the ABS system in place during a conversion if possible. It is an important safety feature.

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