EVs and Generators

by Gene Chase
(Lakewood, Co)

I want to use a generator to power the Siemens 1pv135-4ws28 motor in an EV instead of using batteries and an inverter. What should the output voltage be? Should the generator be single or three phase? What voltage? 50 or 60hz? The generator will be powered by a Quasiturbine motor using liquid air as fuel.

Hi, Gene -
I've recently come across this very interesting thread on the EV Discussion List, in which several people I have a lot of respect for weigh in on this very topic.

They refer to Alain St. Yves' do-it-yourself plug-in hybrid; you can read my interview with Mr. St-Yves by clicking the last link on the left.


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Steam Generator Series Electric Hybrid

Are steam engines really extinct after all?

Are steam engines really extinct after all?

I am considering creating an alternative fuel vehicle by running a generator off a steam engine to then run a direct drive electric motor. Thus forgo the large bank of batteries.
Any comments?

Yes, one.
Well, a question, actually. How are you going to generate the steam?


P.S. Alternative energy is the future! Read my article on solar-generated electricity for more ideas on how we Americans can break our fossil fuel addiction.

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Portable Generator Powering an Electric Car Motor?

by Doug Hassell
(Pensacola Florida)

Why hasn't someone put a portable generator in the back of their electric truck and run the motor that way?

Is there enough output of say a midsize Honda generator for example to power an electric motor?

Hi, Doug -
They have, actually.
Read my interview with Alain St. Yves to see how it works; )

Alain is using a small generator in his truck - 5kw. Any more than that is excessive and wastes energy (and weight), he says. The generator doesn't power the motor, it recharges the batteries. Seems to work just fine!


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