Can I Convert a Front Wheel Drive to Electric?

by Kris
(Waterford MI, USA )

Gav's Front Wheel Drive Electric Car (Conversion)

Gav's Front Wheel Drive Electric Car (Conversion)

Can I convert a front wheel drive car to electric? I was wondering if it would be just as easy as a rear wheel drive, or even possible.

Hi, Kris!

I talked to Gavin Shoebridge, who converted his front wheel drive Tredia to electric. He says:

"Yep, the Tredia's a front wheel drive. Believe it or not, it's been a piece of cake! I was originally looking for a rear wheel drive car as front wheel drive looked too complex for me, but as it turns out it was no hassle at all. I can't imagine it being any harder or easier than a rear wheel drive car. Don't let it put you off if you have a front wheel drive donor car in mind."

To talk to Gav about his car, visit the DIY electric car forums and look for a guy named "KiwiEV".


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by: Daniel

Can you ask him what he did to his front end ( did he use the cars original transmission/transaxle)?

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