Converting an Acura RSX?
by Chris
This Acura RSX might be an electric car!
I've got a 2003 Acura RSX Type-S. It has a 6 speed manual transmission and a very large hatch. I think it would make the perfect EV donor.
First, does anyone think this would be a good donor?
Second, is it possible to convert a front wheel drive car to a rear wheel drive EV? I know I would need to find different axles and the stock 6 speed isn't designed to work with the rear axle, but I'm curious if it's possible. Is it even necessary? Front wheel drive wouldn't be a problem I suppose, it would just be nice to make it a rear wheel drive.
Hi, Chris -
First: Yes, seems like a good idea. It's reasonably light at 2700 lbs. curb weight, and has good sturdy suspension AND room to put batteries in that hatchback space.
Second: Why?
Front wheel drive was invented for a reason - that reason being "it controls the car better than rear wheel drive". (Ever driven a 'vette? Great upper body workout at any speed over 50 mph!) No, thanks.
P.S. Check out Gavin's front wheel drive conversion at