Electric Car Conversion like a Tesla

by Matt
(Rhode Island)

I'm interested in a full electric conversion, AC motor,lithium batteries, controller, etc. Do you know of a company that sells such a kit or have a list of suppliers that I can go to for these high end components. I'd love to know the exact components in the Tesla from the controller to transmission.

Hi, Matt -
Sounds like you'd like to build your own Tesla, huh? You can find Tesla's drive train components for sale at EV West.

You've got the right idea! Go to a really talented conversion shop, and you can have all the electric sports car you can drive when they are finished. Probably cheaper than a Tesla, unless you find one used.

_blank">Green Shed Conversions can build you any electric sports car you'd like, pick your flavor, order up your batteries (yes, he's got lithium), and choose your drive system.

Another company that sells top-of-the-line EV components is Metric Mind.

Thanks for writing in - hope this helps!


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The Tesla drive motor & controller
by: Anonymous


ev build
by: matt

Wow, i posted that comment a long time ago....

AC is the way to go. Spoke to and tried to buy PML's hi-pa drives for the project they are still having problems with the controllers but did get them in a mini, volvo and a ford 150 now. 640hp isn't bad. wont sell public or to small business. the batteries are easy but expensive, the car chassis--- well "i got a guy".

thanks for the tip.

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