Golf Cart Battery Pack Damaged

by Bob Griffin
(Rainbow Lake,NY)

I returned from Florida to find my batteries dead and dry. I was told to charge them fully and they would be fine withstanding the severe cold here in northern NY. Two of the batteries were cracked and leaked fluid when it was added. The remaining four batteries took a charge and hold a charge of 6.90-6.97 after a couple of days.

My question is: Is it necessary to replace all or can I get away with a partial(two) replacement?

They are 6 volt(stowaway) (Sams club) batteries.

Hi, Bob -
Well, I'm a bit of a cheapskate. I'd replace two, not all, and see if that worked first.

If the remaining four are intact and holding a charge after two days, why fix what ain't broke?


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Where to find used batteries
by: Bill

Where do you go to purchase used 6 volt batteries?

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