Golf Cart Battery Seasonal Use

by Ken Sauve
(Villages Florida)

For golf carts that are being used seasonally only 6 mos. each year and left to sit 6 mos. off and on, will this practice shorten life of the batteries?
We are debating possible advantages of gas vs. electric carts for this type of usage.

Hi, Ken!
All kinds of deep-cycle battery users (like RVers, boaters, off-grid solar vacation homes) have been using their storage batteries seasonally for years. It's fine. There are a few things to keep in mind, though, so that you don't shorten the life of your golf cart batteries.

Oasis Montana (solar power and storage company) says if you're going to use your batteries seasonally:
1) Fully charge your batteries before storage;
2) disconnect them from the golf cart;
3) store them as cool as possible; and
4) top up the charge every couple of months so they stay in a charged condition.


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battery voltage
by: Anonymous

If you have gas golf cart still you use battery. How much life the battery will have. Is it always 6V or some could have 12V.

There are both 6v and 12v batteries available.
- Lynne

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