Golf Cart for Electric Kit Car

by Winfried
(Oranjestad, Aruba)

Is there any 8-person golf cart which can go at least 50 mph, so you can use all the parts and build an electric kit car?

Hi, Winfried!
I sure hope not; )
At least here in the US, golf carts, even the ones that are street legal, are limited to 25mph for safety reasons.
The golf cart you see in the video has been modified to race, and it'll go fast - 77mph in the quarter-mile! - but I don't think I'd want to take a golf cart any faster than 25mph under real driving conditions. Without a helmet and a roll cage, I mean; )
Now that I've said that, though, it looks like there are several NEVs that might have grown up from golf carts. They're still limited to 25mph on the road here in the US, again for safety reasons.
The next generation of NEV, like the Zenn and the Miles, the cars that are electric conversions of regular (although tiny) gas-guzzlers imported from other countries, however? Those could safely go faster.

If you want to build an electric version of a kit car, though, why not just use a conversion kit?


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Electra King Electric car
by: Anonymous

Hey Someone offered me this 1962 Electra king car. It runs on six car batteries, goes 18 mph and can last up to three miles top speed. it has a solid steel frame and sheet metal skin,, working blinker lights, brake lights and head lights just like a car and is registered with the California DMV as an actual Vehicle with license plate and current tags LOL. Truly sucks! but looks cool. This is no Joke! I am now trying to figure out how to improve it. Is there any motor that i can use to make it go 45mph I have already figured out the braking system to make it stop on a dime at 65mph which I wouldn't dare drive it at. In addition the GM Volt which is not a flex fuel, runs on Lithium Batteries which run to 40 miles before the next charge. Where can I find those? I'm the son of a master auto mechanic and have learned a lot about cars but I find this electric thing appealing, its all new to me. Just like the first transmission I rebuilt a year ago!
Edited your email address out - it's spambot bait; ) - Lynne

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