by Heather
Photo by David Harvey
As exciting as a DIY electric conversion sounds, many people don't have the time, skills, and/or inclination to convert a vehicle themselves. On your main page you mentioned that there are conversion shops all over the country. I tried Googling, and very few were listed. Do you have a list of conversion shops in the US?
Hi, Heather -
It's true! They are sort of hard to find. It's not like they don't exist, though; I think it's more that Google and EV conversion shops have not quite figured out how to find each other. (Conversion shops come and go over the years, too, as small businesses tend to do.)
Here's what I would do: I'd go to the Electric Auto Association website and use the chapter map to find my state or province. There is a contact listed for each chapter, and that person will know where the good conversion shops are within driving distance.
There aren't as many chapters in the middle of the country, you'll notice. Electric car enthusiasm seems to be concentrated in certain regions, such as the coasts. If you're in a "low EV enthusiasm" location, you might not find a shop local, but there might be a person nearby who has plenty of expertise in conversion but not enough local business to make an enterprise of it. You can find that person through the Electric Auto Association, most likely. Or, you may have to use a shop far from home and have your car shipped.
Back to your question: No, I don't keep a list, but maybe we should! In the meantime, here's a list of 13 conversion shops that somebody else compiled which have been in business a while, followed here by a few of my favorites that aren't on their list but should be, in my opinion.
In no particular order:
Green Shed Conversions in Crystal Springs, FL.
BH Electrics in Lancaster, PA.
EV4U Conversions in Shasta Lake, CA.
Stealth EV in Oceanside, CA.
EV West in San Marcos, CA (for EV parts and charging stuff).
Please feel free to add your own favorite EV conversion shop in the comments, everybody.
Hope this helps!