Jump-Charging Dead Golf Cart Batteries

by Vern Bretin
(Leduc, AB, Canada)

Left golf cart over winter inside heated area. Yamaha 48V charger won’t charge. Have automotive 6 & 12V charger—How might I bring up the 6 pack charge using the auto charger — on one or more batteries?? so that the Yamaha charger will accept the need & proceed to charge the pack.? (Didn’t top up the charge so presume the battery capacity below the kick-in threshold of the Yamaha.Z.)

Hi, Vern -
Yeah, I think you've got the right idea. The golf cart guy in the video explains how to do it.

If you've got a 12v charger that is adjustable to 8v, that's best - one at a time. If it's not adjustable, he says you can hook up two at a time to the 12v or one at a time to the 6v charger, and he talks about how it's done.

You're not charging them all the way up with the jump box, as you say; just enough that your regular charger will recognize that it's attached to actual batteries rather than battery-shaped paperweights, and will get on with charging them back up to full. He says that takes about 5-10 minutes.

- Lynne

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This worked for me
by: John Turner

This worked for me. I have a golf cart with 8 6V batteries that would not charge after this last winter. I made sure the cells had adequate water and then hooked the batteries up two at a time (2*6v=12v) and put each pair on a regular 12v battery charger/maintainer. Once all 4 pairs were reading 12v, I hooked them all together and let the regular 48v charger do its thing. Problem solved.

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