by Mark D Larsen
(Eden, Utah, USA)
Suburu and Mitsubishi EV Motors
Subaru and Mitsubishi are testing their up-and-coming EVs in the USA this year. We have yet to see any specs however.
I was wondering if anyone can tell, from mere photos, exactly what kind of electric motor they are using.
In the uploaded picture, the Subaru motor is on the left, and the Mitsubishi motor on the right.
I am not an engineer, by any stretch of the slide rule, but I think(?) that Subaru's motor is DC, and with hose connections for a cooling system. My guess (?) is that Mitsubishi's motor might be AC, with air cooling.
More knowledgeable EV advocates need to enlighten me! Thanks.
--Mark ("Yanquetino")
Hi, Mark!
Dan Bentler, our EV motor dude, says:
"At first glance I thought they were the same motor.
However they both appear water cooled.
The left hand motor has the tubing attachments on the left end as depicted, the right hand one also looks water cooled there is what looks like a tube fitting on the "near end upper left corner".
ASSUMING they are water cooled, and
I see no covers for brush rigging
my conclusion is they are probably both 3 phase AC.
I also believe the major auto makers Ford GM Toyota have all gone with AC and I think that trend will continue."
- Dan
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